Springville Griffith Institute
10 Year Reunion
July 25th, 26th, & 27th, 2003


Improvements Planned For Concord Community Park
Just in time for our Class Reunion!

The Concord Community Park has long served the area with a sport park theme. The 16-acre facility with eight acres in use has recently seen the addition of two new baseball diamonds, a new scoreboard and lighting to allow for nighttime games; now plans have been laid to turn the eight acres of wooded area into a family picnic area with walking trails.

Plans to start the renovation of the park will begin as soon as the weather breaks. So keep your fingers crossed! The first renovation will be a new parking lot off from Route 391, which will adjoin the picnic facility from the sport facility. After the parking lot is completed, the wooded area will be developed, clearing walking paths and adding picnic tables and grills.


July 27, 2003

Family Picnic
Concord Town Park

11:00 A.M. till ???

Please provide picnic lunch for your family
Please provide sports equipment


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Page created: 3/7/2003
Last Updated:3/11/2003